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Meet Prince George's Newest Success Story: From the Kitchen Table to a Greenbelt IT Training Facility

The Jelani Consulting Story

Jelani Consulting Inc. is a three year old IT company that focuses on training and repacking individuals from different walks of life into the technology sector. Currently, the company specializes in Oracle Database Administration courses and plans to expand its scope with the advent of the new growth ahead.

Meka has more than 10 years as an Oracle Database Administrator and holds multiple Oracle Certifications. He has worked for high profiled agencies such as the Bureau of Census, the US State Department and now the Department of Homeland Security. His experiences in this industry serve as an asset.

Since inception, the company was run and operated from the home: first, in the living room of the CEO, Meka Gerald Mofor, and then it migrated into his basement. With the increasing demand for DBAs (Database Administrators) in this economy, the business began experiencing growing numbers in student registration for each session. With this in mind, Owner Meka quickly realized that he was rapidly outgrowing the basement sooner than originally anticipated and needed to think bigger. A good problem to have for any entrepreneur to have we must add.

It is this new sprout that has pushed Meka to seek new alliances to carry-out the vision. He has added staff to the team and, most importantly, the company will be moving to a new Professional Training Facility in Greenbelt, Maryland by the Marriott Hotel and Greenbelt Metro Station on October 1, 2013. The company is super excited about this direction as it believes that it will better serve the needs of the students and community that it targets.

The Oracle Database Administration program is a four months curriculum. The program currently has 50 students enrolled. Thirty-two of our students now have Database Administrator careers. We look forward to changing more lives.


For more information about this topic, please contact Jelani Consulting by e-mailing Gerald at [email protected].

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